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All Aboard for Story Time With Michael Marks - Your Produce Man

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – It’s All Aboard for Story Time! with Michael Marks - Your Produce Man - as a celebrity guest reader on Monday, May 1, 2017, at 11 a.m. at the California State Railroad Museum. Given the deep connection between railroads and agriculture, the young audience will enjoy listening to Marks – who loves teaching the undeniable truths of life by using produce as props – as he reads Thomas and the Buzzy Bees by Christy Webster and I Saw an Ant on the Railroad Track by Joshua Prince.

Marks has been in the produce industry since the early 1980s, starting out in retail and then moving into wholesale distribution. Since the 1990s, he has also been in the media, television, radio, newspaper, narrowcasting and on the web, promoting fruits and vegetables. He appears regularly as Your Produce Man on Good Day Sacramento and celebrates 28 years on sister-station CBS13.

All Aboard for Story Time! is offered every Monday morning year-round. Through this interactive and fun program, parents are encouraged to let trains and railroading introduce and foster the love of reading with their imaginative young children ages two to five. The Story Time! program showcases different railroad-related books each month. Afterward, children and parents are encouraged to explore the Museum. Whether it’s toy trains or big locomotives, there is always something to discover in the California State Railroad Museum – North America’s most popular railroad museum – that will thrill children (and adults) of all ages.

The All Aboard for Story Time! program is included with Museum admission: $12 for adults; $6 for youths ages 6-17; free for children ages 5 and under. For more information about the reading program or the California State Railroad Museum in general, please call 916-323-9280.

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