We request and encourage that users of social media platforms treat each other with courtesy and respect at all times.
We reserve the right to hide or delete any of the following types of content, and block users who share it:
- messages that are misleading or false.
- messages posted by anonymous or robot accounts.
- deliberate provocation of other community members in the form of intentional trolling, troll baiting or flaming.
- racist, hateful, sexist, homophobic, slanderous, insulting or life-threatening messages.
- messages that contain name-calling, personal attacks or defamatory statements.
- serious, unproven, or inaccurate accusations against individuals or organizations.
- abusive, aggressive, coarse, explicit, vulgar, violent, obscene, or pornographic messages.
- messages that infringe on copyrights.
- messages for advertising purposes.
- messages that suggest or encourage illegal activity.
- messages that promote unsafe activity on or near railroad right of way.
All comments are monitored and moderated by the California State Railroad Museum Foundation from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday. Comments posted outside of these hours will be read and addressed as quickly as possible.
With your support our online social media forums can be places for discovery, learning and fun.